john luther adams
/ recordings
In The White Silence

“… a gorgeous 75 minutes of meditative stillness… Anyone coming to Adams’ music for the first time should start with this disc, for it really does make the best possible case for his personal artistic vision.” – David Hurwitz, Classics Today

“…just as there are infinite shades of white… there are infinite shades in Adams’s score. Even though it maintains a fairly quiet dynamic level throughout, In the White Silence is given immense variety through scoring, texture, and emotional warmth…. The music manages to balance the pretty with the bleak, and the cerebral with the emotional.” – Raymond Tuttle, Classical Net

“A pandiatonic tour de force, In the White Silence conjures a shimmering stillness that absorbs the listener into an undulating world of sustained strings, rising and falling arpeggios, and overlapping motivic phrases… a piece that extends beyond its beginning and end.” – NewMusicBox

“Without providing any acoustic landmarks, Adams manages to achieve and sustain a translucent ecstasy.” – Mike Dunham, Anchorage Daily News

“…a quietly passionate mystical letter, sent with abandon to all, in a darkly mysterious time.”– Nicholas Croft,

“… the most lusciously sensuous new recording I’ve heard in years.” – Kyle Gann, The Village Voice

His music perfectly echoes the landscape he loves: impersonal, relentless, larger than human scale, yet gorgeous, a quiet chaos of colors, suffused with light. It’s not a climate everyone could live in. But for those who want to bathe their ears in an aural aurora borealis while staying warm inside, it’s a spiritual odyssey well worth taking. - Kyle Gann
john luther adams
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